Time 4 Support
Time 4 Support
Supporting Parents/Carers with special needs children
North Northants Council
Here are some services provided by North Northants Council
Local Offer
The North Northamptonshire Local Offer is currently under development. In the meantime, you can still access the existing Local Offer on our county website below.
Local Offer | North Northamptonshire Council (northnorthants.gov.uk)
Specialised Send Support
The SEND Support Service offers advice and support to children, young people, families, carers and a range of educational establishments for children with a wide range of special educational needs and/or autism, aged 0 to 19 years.
SEND Support Service | North Northamptonshire Council (northnorthants.gov.uk)
An EHC plan identifies a child's special educational needs, together with health and social care provisions when these services are involved.
You can read more about EHC Assessments or contact the EHC teams for further support
Assessment team: EHCNorth.Assessment@northnorthants.gov.uk
Annual review team: EHCReviews.nnc@northnorthants.gov.uk
Provision and Placement Team: EHCNorth.EHCP@northnorthants.gov.uk